The club is open from 9am until 10.00pm

There are two seasons: Autumn League and Spring League.

The Leagues

  • Monday Afternoon Fours (12 teams)
  • Monday Evening Fours ( 8 teams)
  • Tuesday Evening Pairs (Division 1 and Division 2 with 8 teams in each Division). There is promotion after each season with 3 teams up and 3 teams down.
  • Wednesday Fours (Division 1 and Division 2 with 8 teams in each Division).  Promotion with 3 teams up and 3 teams down.
  • Wednesday Evening Fours (8 teams)
  • Thursday Evening Triples (8 teams)
  • Friday Triples. (12 teams)
  • Friday Evening Pairs (8 teams)
  • Saturday Morning Pairs (8 teams)

You can download your: Indoor Bowling League Tables

The rinks are available for practise, rearranged games and social bowling at other times (Tuesday afternoon, Thursday, Saturday afternoon and Sundays. Monday – Friday from 4.30pm to 7pm)

There is a coaching session every Monday morning from 11am to 12 noon.

For further details please contact Barbara Gee (01422 203137)

Bowling Charges

The hourly rate for club members is £3 per hour and £3.50 per hour and a half.

Non Members

Non members may play no more than once in any four week period and pay £3.50 per hour and £4.50 per hour and a half.

Hire Of Club Woods

You can hire Club woods for 50p per game.

Bowling Shoes

Bowlers must wear (smooth, rubber soled, heel-less) bowling shoes while playing.


If you need a locker please see Lynda Canning.

Postponed Games

Please rearrange and play any postponed games as soon as possible.

If a four person team is a player short they may play their game, with their number 1 player and number 2 player playing with three bowls each and the team will loose a quarter of their final score at the end of the game.

In a triples game, if a team is a player short, the two remaining players will play with three bowls each and loose a third of their score at the end of the game.

Prize Money

Details of prize money will be posted in the bowling hall.
15% of the total money paid by the players into the respective leagues will be prize money.
In a league of 6 teams there will be 2 prize winners.
In a league of 8 teams there will be 3 prize winners.
In a league of 12 teams there will be 4 prize winners.

For further information please contact Barbara Gee (Indoor Bowling Secretary)